“The F4 will save MV Agusta”
Unions and Castiglioni agree: the new model is the keystone to resolving the fate of the Varese company looking for new buyers.
Will it again be a motorbike that saves MV Agusta, now on sale? After its success at the recent “Bicycle & Motorcycle Show” in Milan, will the new F4 be able to repeat the miracle of the Brutale, which became a legend when the sales agreement with Piaggio was still undecided.
The echo of success of MV’s extraordinary, new model at the international show in Milan, was accompanied by redundancy negotiations for the employees in Schiranna, and the announcement that the Christmas holidays will be extended, from 17 December to 11 January.
“Redundancy was not resorted to during the year, this is the only case in this sector throughout the province,” explains Claudio Castiglioni, who has always been the organiser and soul of the company, as well as its chairman, even under the Harley management. “And I trust that it won’t be resorted to, even over the next few months, despite our having to ask for it.”
Apart from the Christmas holidays, production will not cease, because of the good return in orders that the presentation of the new F4 had. “The operators at the show certainly liked it, and I have no qualms about saying that it is currently the most beautiful motorbike in the world,” Castiglioni stressed. “Awareness of this kind is the first thing that gives faith in the future. Companies are kept going with money, and with products; and after this success, it will be easier to resolve the situation.”
But, that is for the future. Now there is uncertainty about who is going to buy the company after Harley’s decision to sell it. “Management of the sale by Harley Davidson, which is a listed company, which, consequently, has a series of delicate and compulsory steps to make, has been given to Paribas,” explains Oscar Brun, of FIOM CGIL. “They say that they have already received two offers, that motorcycles have been sold for the whole of 2010. Let’s hope this is truly the case, and not just marketing.”
“The situation of MV Agusta can be described as a series of ups and downs,” adds Graziano Resteghini, of FIM CISL. “The situation in Varese is one of waiting, despite the good response, in terms of orders, to the new motorcycle. Our biggest worry is the choice of buyer; it is one thing if the new owner is an industrial concern, it is quite another if it is just a matter of finance.”
This worry is also shared by Claudio Castiglioni, who stressed, “My personal commitment will not only be to safeguard the employment of the workers in Schiranna, and on this matter, everyone knows on which side I am. And I’ll do all that I can to ensure that the company does not move from Varese. In order to maintain the quality and the prestige
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