Saviano: “The ‘Ndrangheta decides the economy in northern Italy”

During the second programme of “Vieni via con me”, the writer talked about the business of the Mafia bosses in Lombardy, and attacked the Northern League on its own territory. “It’s pointless arresting 50 members of a Mafia organisation if the tax shield is approved.”

During the second programme of the series “Vieni via con me”, as Roberto Saviano spoke about the Calabrian mafia organisation, the ‘Ndrangheta, he mentioned Lombardy, Varese Province, the local ‘Ndrangheta group in Lonate Pozzolo – Legnano, and the Northern League. After the origins of the Mafia organisation and its internal structure were explained, including the operations “Bad Boys”, “Infinity” and “The Commission”, the actor Antonio Albanese read the oath of the Mafia association’s members. With the internal hierarchies of ‘Ndrangheta projected behind him, Saviano described the organisation’s structure, starting from the local associations, which consist of large and small companies, of local commissions, with commission bosses and the criminals they command, and the ‘Ndrine, the families and gangs that have links with their native villages.

Starting from the recent discoveries about the internal organisation, Saviano referred to northern Italy and Milan. “The latest figures, of “Mammasantissima”, “Infinito” and “Conte Ugolino”, were discovered in Milan. You might think these stories are about the distant past,” said Saviano, “but you couldn’t be more wrong.” The towns of Platì, Casal di Principe and Corleone are full of bunkers, where there are men hiding in terrible conditions, but it is from these bunkers that they wield their power as far afield as Milan. Saviano said: “In those bunkers, they decide the future of this part of Italy; Lombardy is the centre of their criminal investments. Anything but Southerners.” He went on to list the business sectors that ‘Ndrangheta has infiltrated.

One day, Nunzio (whose real name is Carmelo Novella) said he wanted the organisation in Lombardy to break away from Calabria and from the original clans, and thereby, he signed his own death sentence. Saviano said, “Nunzio was killed in San Vittore Olona, in a way that was almost comical; two hired killers ordered two cappuccinos, something they would never do in the South, before murdering Nunzio, who was trying to be the master in his own home.”

Rho and Bollate, on the outskirts of Milan, are the new criminal power centres. “In the future, the mafia organisations will become separate in the North.” Saviano also mentioned the meeting in Paderno Dugnano, which was attended by a number of ‘Ndrangheta bosses in Lombardy; the meeting took place in the Club “Falcone e Borsellino”, and during, Pino Neri (who is considered to be one of the bosses of the ‘Ndrangheta in Lombardy) established the new rules of the ‘Ndrangheta hierarchies, and appointed the new boss in Lombardy.

In his monologue, Saviano also mentioned the meeting between a Northern League city councillor in Pavia (who is not under investigation) and the boss Pino Neri, which caused turmoil among the Northern League’s ranks; he the went on to mention Gianfranco Miglio, who is considered to be the creator of the movement of the Northern League. “One of the fathers of the Northern League, Gianfranco Miglio said, ‘I’m in favour of preserving the Mafia and ‘Ndrangheta; the South should establish a charter based on command, the European model would be absurd, and I think there’s a good system of patronage that helps economic growth; some typical features of the South should be constitutionalised.” Saviano then concludes with, “From the words of someone who is against the criminal organisations, I understand that they are winning because they are an integral part of the companies, and not only because they exert power in the South. There’s no benefit in arresting 50 members, if the tax shield is then made law.  These laws help the mafia organisations become stronger”.

Saviano ends by talking about legality. “When you feel that you’re acting because these stories are yours, when a mayor is killed because he has done his job well, and you feel personally involved, when you feel all of this, you understand you can’t put fire out with fire, or fight evil with evil. When we do no harm, we force the Mafia back one step.

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Pubblicato il 18 Novembre 2010
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