An award for Varesenews at the “Teletopi”

Already among the four finalists as the “best local information TV service”, in the Web TV Oscars, Varesenews then received acknowledgement for the “best editorial plan”.

Varesenews has obtained a special mention at the annual “Teletopi”, the Web TV Oscars. Already among the four finalists as the “best local information TV service”, Varesenews obtained acknowledgement for the “best web TV format, or editorial plan”, after they produced an editorial plan that combines local information and a business model extremely well.

The award was presented during the annual meeting of FEMI (Federazione Media Digitali Indipendenti – the Federation of Independent Digital Media) which it took place on Thursday 1 December 2011, in Bologna. The award was decided by a jury of ten journalists, experts in new media and critics of the world of the printed press, TV and the web (including Luca de Biase and Antonio Sofi), chaired by Carmen Lasorella.

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Pubblicato il 05 Dicembre 2011
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