“I was on the Concordia last September, near the Island of Giglio”

The tale of one of our readers who recalls his summer cruise, which included a final passing near the area where Costa's ship run aground. "I still can't believe such a tragedy could have taken place.".

Dear Editorial Staff of Varesenews,
in September I was on board of Costa Concordia with my significant other for a cruise in the Mediterranean, which included a final passage in front of the Island of Giglio.
I clearly remember that moment, we had left in the evening from Civitavecchia’s harbour, headed for Savona, the final stop of the cruise or, at the very least, the final stop for us as that ship virtually never stops, but luckily all went smoothly and the passing was made in full safety and at an appropriate distance from that charming island.
I still can’t believe such a tragedy could have taken place, the Concordia is definitely a sight to behold, both from the ground and on board, it looks like a palace floating on the water, and of course we tend to believe that we’re completely safe on it, especially if we compare it with the other ships that we would see in several harbours.
I remember the preparation and the politeness of the whole crew, who were mostly Filipinos and South-Americans who also spoke a quite good Italian; I also remember the practice that took place as soon as we had got on board in Savona, a practice that was made in a serious and professional way by officers coming from several countries; I remember the safety that could be perceived both on board and in the harbours where the ship would dock; I remember feeling like at home…
I remember!
I was proud to travel with such a prestigious Italian company, renowned and admired in the whole world.

Yours faithfully

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Pubblicato il 18 Gennaio 2012
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