A day on holiday in Piero

Among ancient houses and cobblestones paths, where each stone seems to tell its story, every year a festival takes place in a small village: Curiglia con Monteviasco

curiglia con monteviascoAmong ancient houses and cobblestones paths, where each stone seems to tell its story, every year a festival takes place in a small village: Curiglia con Monteviasco. Appearing to almost sink into Giona River, which rises on the slope of Monte Tamaro, in the Swiss canton of Ticino and enters Lake Maggiore at Maccagno.
It is an occasion in the calmness and serenity of the deep green, which flowered at the beginning of summer, colouring the highup Val Veddasca.
There are not annoying cars sounds; silence is broken by fast footsteps, idle chatter and small families that do not want to miss a devotion moment in small village Church. They also want to admire extraordinary paintings that recently have been discovered. Some experts have attributed them to Bernardino Luini.
When you come out from the Church, you can smell the typical strong and appetising polenta (dish made from maize flour cooked in salted water to accompany various foods or with various dressings) scent: everybody is under the big tent to take advantage of it. There are even local excellent products in the two farms and music entertainment to help friendship.
Take a look at Mulini di Piero (Piero mills), on the other bank of Giona River and it is already time to go back to the city, reprogramming the next return to the valley.
Reaching Piero is very easy: from Luino, take the county road to Dumenza and Curiglia and then 3 further Km from Curiglia to the square where the cableway to Monteviasco leaves.
Once you have left the car, you can reach Piero in 10 minutes.

Translated by Martina Roncari (Reviewed by Prof. Robert Clarke)

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Pubblicato il 27 Giugno 2012
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