Castiglioni brothers “from Tradate to the equator”
Two doctors and an engineer spent three weeks as volunteers in a hospital in Congo. They told their experiences at Villa Truffini, in front of hundreds of people
Villa Truffini was full of people, who welcomed “Three people from Tradate to the equator”. This was the title of the evening, in which the three brothers Giorgio, Gabriele and Maurizio Castiglioni were the main actors. Giorgio and Gabriele are doctors, Maurizio is an engineer, and they told the experiences they lived as volunteers just few weeks earlier in Congo, in the hospital of Tshimbulu (West Kasai). The hospital has been realised by COE-Centro Orientamento Educativo (Educational Guidance Centre) in Barzio, province of Lecco. One of its leaders is Monsignor Antonio Barone, parish priest of Tradate in the ‘80s, and he attended the evening.
Several photos that illustrate the efficiency of the hospital “and the difficult and hard daily life in a town in Congo” were shown to the numerous audience. “During our stay,” the doctors brothers explained, “in addition to support the conduct of the local medical staff, we gave a course on how to use the new ultrasound scanner at the hospital’s disposal. The course was aimed to all doctors in the district, and it has opened a new diagnostic future.” The hospital now needs an ambulance that will help the transport of patients from the villages in the Tshimbulu district.” The engineer brother established instead new expansion projects.
The three brothers told then that, on their way back to Tradate, they saw, in Kinshasa, two other important projects realised by CEO: the St. Paul University Foyer, which hosts 40 students from all over the country, and the Benedicta, which is a building accommodating 20 street children.
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