Farewell to Ciao and Spizzico
The self-service restaurant in the gallery, and the pizzeria in Via Manzoni are destined soon to close their doors; procedures for transferring the employees have begun.
Ciao and Spizzico, the two restaurants in the centre of Varese, that are part of the Autogrill Group, are closing down.
The self-service restaurant in the gallery, and the pizzeria in Via Manzoni are destined soon to close their doors.
The is the news just out: the two premises are both rented, and their leases expire in August.
Autogrill have decided not to renew the contracts; and so, letters have already been sent to employees to begin the procedures to transfer them; anyone that has enjoyed the services of the two restaurants have until the end of August to eat the last pizzas and the last pasta dishes.
“It’s absurd; they sent us the letter which explained they’re dismissing the employees on the basis of the lease; they said simply that the lease expires on 31 August, and so, from 1 September, they’re dismissing 21 people,” explained Angela Marra, who is following this controversy for the trade union FILCAMS CGIL. “It isn’t a plausible reason, nor is it acceptable. We got the letter a few hours ago, now we’re demanding a meeting.”
In the meantime, the still many patrons of Spizzico and Ciao can enjoy the last pizzas and pasta dishes in the centre of Varese; from September onwards, however, the situation will be quite different.
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