Campsite, crimes barred by the statute of limitations, and everyone acquitted on appeal
Milan overturns the Varese sentence. But the appeal does not cancel the confiscation. So, the board of directors of the 7 Laghi are innocent, but the area will be seized from them. This inconsistency will lead to another appeal.
The appeal judges in Milan have decided that the directors of the 7 Laghi campsite, in Azzate, should not be convicted of transforming the area into an illegal neighbourhood. Two years have passed, 500 people have been evacuated and, unfortunately, there was a murder on the campsite, last summer, caused, possibly, by a severe atmosphere of tension. Of course, none of these episodes have anything to do with the legitimacy of the court’s decisions, but, if anything, are news stories concerning the life of a community that, rightly or wrongly, had decided, for years, to live, “low cost”, on the lakeshores, creating a form of community experience that was outside the norm, with small houses and bungalows built since the 1980s, and that, at a certain point, the Public Prosecutor’s Office in Varese had sequestered, because, according to the accusations, there had, for years, been an illegal situation of continuous and permanent building, without the proper authorisations. And yet, after the court in Varese had convicted the 5 company directors in the trial, the appeal judges established that, for the illegal dividing of land and the crimes against the environment and the State, the events had reached their statute of limitations, and for the undue connection of the sewers to the small houses on the campsite, the administrators were acquitted.
The defence lawyers, Alberto Zanzi and Fabio Ambrosetti, claimed (and the appeal court probably agreed) that the land division had begun at least in the 1980s, and that those crimes were now barred by the statute of limitations. However, it now remains to be understood what will happen to the campsite. The structure underwent preventive seizure, which was signed by the preliminary investigation magistrate Battarino, and confiscation, decided by the trial sentence, by Judge Azzena, which, however, has still not been carried out. The appeal court did not intervene on the confiscation. We will have to read the sentence, but there may, in theory, be an inconsistency: the board of directors of the campsite 7 Laghi are acquitted (without forgetting that the statute of limitations ran out), but the campsite remains confiscated. Furthermore, the Public Prosecutor, Massimo Politi, still has to start criminal proceedings against the company’s individual partners (the trial was only against the board of administrators), but now, like before, will find that the statute of limitations has run out during the appeal, for 3 of the 4 crimes.
The defendants acquitted are the chairman of the board of directors, Alessandro Scandroglio, and the other four partners: Franca Brioschi, Maurizio Filippi, Stefano Sandoni and Tommaso Tancredi.
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