Whirlpool: “We are open to dialogue”
Held at the Ministry of Economic Development, the first meeting between the leaders of the multinational and the representatives of Fim Cisl, Fiom Cigl, Uilm, UGL and Trade Union representatives organisations (RSU) of the workers

After the presentation of the business plan and related layoffs, at the Mise (Ministry of Economic Development) in Rome was held the first meeting between the leaders of the multinational Whirlpool and representatives of national and regional coordination of Fim Cisl, Fiom Cigl, Uilm, UGL and Trade Union representatives organisations of the workers.
Whirlpool, despite not having had the opportunity today to go into the details of the industrial plan for Italy with unions, reiterated “the maximum availability to an open, transparent and collaborative comparison with all parties on the contents of the plan, as in the tradition of industrial relations of the company. “
The multinational remains strongly convinced of the soundness and validity of the business plan. “It is designed to provide continuity and a sustainable future for the company in Italy,” the company writes in a note, “through the reorganization of production and process and product innovation. The level of investment, amounting to 500 million euro, raises in fact the country, placing it at the centre of the European strategy of the company. “
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