Maynor, mister assist: “I want the NBA back”

Off-season interview to the player who won the ranking of the winning passes in premier leagues: "A complete Team would have been among the first”

basket immagini di varese - cremona 86-82

It’s not just the feeling that we felt every time we saw him play. Even numbers reward Eric Maynor, the playmaker that arrived in Varese at the beginning of the home and away games in place of Dawan Robinson: the director of Openjobmetis who finished the championship by dominating the ranking of assists. No less than 111 winning passes “dealt” by the talent of North Carolina in 15 challenges; a sensational average of 7.4 that allowed him to definitely pull ahead of the closest pursuers, Andrea Cinciarini (Reggio E., 6.2) and Luca Vitali (Cremona, 5.7).

Maynor, in his Varese experience, distinguished himself for his high professionalism. He never missed a coaching session, never a habit of “star”: not bad for someone who is 28 and already has true five seasons in NBA. And the “pro” American championship is the goal that Eric will try to achieve during next summer, as he confirmed in VareseNews in a brief interview at off-season with Openjobmetis.

In Varese you challenge a season in crescendo. Now what are your future plans?
“Of course I want to try to go back to NBA: this is my first goal and I’ll try to achieve it. Clearly I’ll talk with my agent and with my family of my future and this decision, because I’ll look for the best accommodation for me and for them.”

If required, will you participate to the Summer Leagues?
“It’s still early to say it: the Italian league has just ended and, in fact, I don’t have yet any defined programmes. Honestly the first thing that I have on my mind now is to reach my loved ones and my friends, go home and then decide with calm. ”

How did you find the Italian league?
“If I have to define it in one word, I choose ‘fun’ (he repeats it several times, ed.): it was a useful and enjoyable experience.”

In the off-season your efficiency and that of the Openjobmetis grew definitely. If you had arrived sooner, would Varese have gone to the playoffs?
“I tried to help the team growing from the first matches I played. Let’s say that I remain curious to see where we could get if we were fully booked in recent months. Unfortunately we played a few matches together: I believe that with this team since the beginning of the season we could reach top, in the area behind Milan. ”

What leaves you the experience of Varese, as a team, the city and the people that you met?
“I can only say that I found it very good in all aspects. Within the team, I had a great relationship with my teammates and coach Caja, on the outside I saw a great passion and a great support from the people. I’ve pleasant memories, it was a good time.”

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