Union agreement, BTicino acknowledges rights of homosexual couples
The company has taken new steps to reconcile work and family. The key points of the agreement between the industrial group and FIOM CGIL and FIM CISL also include the recognition of gay weddings that took place abroad.

BTicino give male and female employees who have married people of the same sex abroad the same rights established by the National Collective Bargaining Employment Contract, namely, marriage leave and leave to take care of a spouse. A few hours after the approval of the law on civil unions, which also includes same-sex marriages, the company, which is part of the Legrand Group, and the Varese branches of the trade unions FIM CISL and FIOM CGIL signed this agreement, during the company’s national coordination meeting, which ratifies the agreements already reached by the BTicino equal opportunities commission.
In fact, the agreement contains much more, because it also speaks about preventing harassment and violence at the workplace, and reconciling the time spent at work and with that spent at home, by means of flexible working hours. “The world of work is real, and it reflects what is outside,” said Stefania Filetti, the Provincial Secretary of the FIOM CGIL. “In the case of BTicino, I think it’s an important step for the lives of people, especially those who work in a multinational company, because the agreement acknowledges that there are relationships, governed by other legislation, that have the same rights as Italian heterosexual couples. Once again, the world of work has promptly acknowledged a change in society, because it is a fundamental part of it.”
“It’s a very positive agreement on all three topics discussed,” said Mario Ballante, the Provincial Secretary of FIM CISL, “and it’s the first positive effect of globalisation. The fact that it is a multinational company that has recognised this indicates that it should be emulated. This agreement allows access to other rights that are equally important for family support. In any case, there is acknowledgement of laws, cultures and respect for conditions of other countries that can contribute to our country’s growth.”
“This shouldn’t surprise us,” said the FIOM CGIL and FIM CISL representatives. “The agreement demonstrates that civil and individual rights go hand in hand with social and collective rights. The negotiation has proven to be the most important instrument in understanding changes in society and people’s needs. With this agreement, we’re going to improve the lives of people, and of all of our families and our children. There are other steps to be taken, and they will be, if the ‘civil’ spirit stays alive. In addition to BTicino, let’s work to ‘contaminate’ other companies with freedom and rights, companies that, with the same sensitivity and foresight, decide to take a stand in our confused country.”
The trade unions and union representatives at BTicino have asked the company to show the same willingness to reach agreements on open topics, namely, professionalism and internal contracts.
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