EVai is reborn, and becomes the car for commuters
The project for mobility has returned, with new offers intended above all for commuters. The fee starts at €280 a month, for which a car is available every evening and at weekends.
The regional car-sharing project EVai, which is in partnership with Ferrovie Nord Milano and ENEL is being reborn, and is becoming the “second car” for commuters.
The project, which has been operational in a number of stations since 2011, includes the opportunity to rent an electric car “via an app” at the chosen station and to leave it at another of the stations served, or at one of the three airports in Lombardy.
But the new trial, which starts at the Varese Nord station, is taking a step forward to make the service more suitable for commuters, particularly those who do not live in the town but who catch the train in Varese.
“Essentially, you can book a car and have it available every weekday evening, and Saturday and Sunday, as long as you leave it at one of the charging stations while you’re at work,” said Giovanni Alberio, who is responsible for developing the EVai network. “During the day, the car will be available to companies, who will only use it while the commuter is working, and return it to the station at the time he needs it.”
This is an efficient way to use one car, without occupying parking spaces, using an electric car without having to pay the road tax, insurance or for the energy. The electricity used to recharge the car is paid for by ENEL, and is included in the monthly membership fee of €280. “The price might appear high, but if you take taxes, insurance, the cost of fuel, maintenance and parking into account, it’s already a great saving. In Italy, running a petrol car can cost as much as €600-700 a month.”
“This car sharing service for Varese could really be the first step towards a more widespread project of sustainable mobility,” the Councillor for the Environment, Dino de Simone, said. “Electric mobility is the future, and we need to move in that direction, also by putting electric columns for recharging the cars in town.”
De Simone was joined by Councillor Civati, who said, “The project also allows hybrid and electric car to park, free of charge, in blue parking spaces. This decision is the opposite of ‘making money’, which we have often been accused of; instead, it’s a political decision, to encourage a sustainable mobility plan, as much as possible, that revolves around the stations, giving priority to public transport and to non-polluting vehicles.”
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