School reports: high schools in Busto Arsizio, examples of excellence in Lombardy

The yearly survey into the quality of education has put the Classics and the Scientific among the top high schools in Lombardy. Here are the best in Varese Province.

Liceo Crespi sede distaccata

These are days of decision-making for the families of children attending the last year of middle school, who are about to choose their high school. Like every year, the Agnelli Foundation has come to their aid, with “Eduscopio”, a search engine that provides a picture of the performance of state and recognised schools, with classifications for every area of specialisation, depending on whether you want to continue your studies at university, or to work after you have obtained your diploma.

For the former, the classification is made on the basis of the average of marks and the credits obtained during the first year of a university career, and is controlled on the basis of the difficulty of the academic course. For the latter, the index of employment within the first two years after the diploma is considered.

Among the excellent schools, the scientific and classical high schools in Busto Arsizio stand out; with a score of almost 89, the two sections of the Crespi High School, which specialises in classical studies are second only to the Ugo Foscolo High School in Pavia, which has a score of 92. Despite the tougher competition, the scientific Tosi High School is well placed, with a score of 87.

Here is the classification.

For those wishing to continue with university studies:

Scientific high schools

Tosi, Busto Arsizio,

Ferraris, Varese

Castelli, Saronno,

Curie, Tradate

Cobianchi, Verbania

Grassi, Saronno

Da Vinci, Gallarate

Stein, Gavirate

Sereni, Luino

High schools specialising in classical studies

Crespi, Busto Arsizio

Legnani, Saronno

Stein, Gavirate (which has now closed)

Cairoli (the only purely classical high school), Varese

Pascoli, Gallarate

Sacro Monte, Varese.

High schools specialising in human sciences

Manzoni, Varese

Legnani, Saronno

Sereni, Luino

Curie, Tradate

High schools specialising in modern languages

Legnani, Saronno

Curie, Tradate

Crespi, Busto Arsizio

Manzoni, Varese

Sereni, Luino

Art high schools (only for university courses, and not fine arts academies)

Candiani, Busto Arsizio

Frattini, Varese

ITCs (technical and commercial institutes)

Don Milani, Tradate

Tosi, Busto Arsizio

Montale, Tradate

Stein, Gavirate

Gadda Rosselli, Gallarate

Keynes, Gazzada

Dalla Chiesa, Sesto Calende

Daverio, Varese

Zappa, Saronno

Casula, Varese

ITIS (technical and industrial institutes)



Dalla Chiesa

Don Milani


For those wishing to enter the world of work:

Technical and commercial institutes

Don Milani, Tradate

Tosi, Busto Arsizio

Zappa, Saronno

Gadda Rosselli, Gallarate

Montale, Tradate

Daverio, Varese

Stein, Gavirate

Keynes, Gazzada

Casula, Varese

Isis Città di Luino, Luino

Dalla Chiesa, Sesto Calende

Valceresio, Bisuschio

Technical and industrial institutes

Geymonat, Tradate

Facchinetti, Castellanza

Riva, Saronno

Newton, Varese

Dalla Chiesa, Sesto Calende

Ponti, Gallarate

Stein, Gavirate

Keynes, Gazzada

Isis Città di Luino, Luino

Zappa, Saronno

Don Milani, Tradate

Nervi, Varese (surveyor studies at the Daverio)

Professional services high schools

De Filippi, Varese

Falcone, Gallarate

Verri, Busto Arsizio

Parma, Saronno

Stein, Gavirate

Valceresio, Bisuschio

Professional industrial high schools

Facchinetti, Castellanza

Newton, Varese

Bermocchi, Legnano

Parma, Saronno

Ponti, Gallarate

Falcone, Gallarate

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