Places in the Varese area that regenerate mind and body

Thanks to your suggestions, we have traced an itinerary of the Varese area dedicated to those who need to relax or to take a break for some hours.

Generico 2018

Places of tranquility and beauty, where silence reigns or only the sounds of nature dominate. We took inspiration from the relaxing places ranking, which was published by InLombardia, the official tourism website of the region, and thanks to the precious suggestions of our readers, we tried to create an itinerary of Varese dedicated to those who need to regenerate themselves.


Trees, woods, plains, mountains, and hills: vegetation has always been a source of energy, and stopping to admire it or walking in a place surrounded by greenery far away from the city, help us to rediscover ourselves and, in some cases, also to find the strength to face the everyday difficulties. Among the places suggested by the readers to “recharge”, we can find: the woods of Brinzio, Campo dei Fiori, Mount Poncione, the plain of Vegonno, Val Veddasca, the hillock of Luvinate, the wide tree-lined pedestrian roads such as the lakeside of Angera.


Whether it is a lake, a river or simply a spring, water is one of the most mentioned elements in the suggestions of our readers. There are those who choose beaches to relax, even when it is not bathing or sunbathing season, those who walk along the lakeside, those who look for waterfalls (here you can find a map of the waterfalls in the Varese area) and those who travel along the bicycle paths that surround the stretches of water of the province.


Sitting in silence in front of that panorama that we love and that takes our breath away. This is also a great way to find serenity. Our readers suggest: Tornavento, Azzate, Agra, the “windows” on Monte Rosa, the view from Campo dei Fiori and from the peaks of the province. More natural balconies of Varese can be found here.


From the abbey of Ganna to the abbey of San Donato in Sesto Calende, from the way of the chapels in the Sacro Monte to the monastery of Torba, without forgetting of course the hermitage of Santa Caterina or the monastery of Cairate: these are just some suggestions of the readers about places of meditation where art, history and religion are intertwined.


We conclude this itinerary with other destinations that can help us to restore ourselves. These are those that, thanks to the human touch in a more or less recent past, have become unique in beauty and atmosphere. For example, the park of Villa Cagnola in Gazzada, the gardens of the stronghold of Angera, the fortress of Orino, the village of Mustonate or the one of Castiglione, Villa Panza, docks or marinas such as the typical ones in Cazzago Brabbia.

Naturally these are just some of the several possibilities that this territory offers to relax mind and body. Can you think of any more? Let us know in the comments or on social medias with #veniteavarese.

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