What TripAdvisor says about Varese

“Places to visit, the most popular bars and the hotel with the best reviews,” is how the website describe Varese to those tourists who want to discover it.

Generico 2018

Imagine being a tourist during a holiday in Varese, how would you like to spend your time in the city? Where would you like to sleep, and which bars would you choose?

If you are used to take a look at the online reviews, as those published by TripAdvisor, clearly, you’ll go to read the ranking list of the activities proposed in your destination place.


In the case of Varese, at the top of the list, the Sacro Monte site of UNESCO rules, with almost 2000 reviews, and the most are enthusiastic people (the site has been rated “Excellent” by 73% of users, and “Very good” by 23%.)

At the second place of the best tourist attractions in Varese, you have the Observatory of Campo dei Fiori, and at the third place there is the jewel of FAI (Fondo Ambiente Italiano): Villa Panza, rated positively by about 600 visitors.

If you go ahead through the top five, you can find the Pogliaghi Museum in fourth place, and the Estensi Palace and Gardens in fifth.

Of course, these are the main activities, but there are also dozens of other recommended places to visit that range from Castiglioni Museum in Villa Toepliz, the “highly Instagrammable” window of Perabò house, which is located in the heart of the city, to the recently restored Old Tram shelter.

Check the complete ranking on the web site


Talking about the most popular restaurants, the Ristorante Le Colonne leads the ranking with more than six hundred reviews, followed by the customized sandwiches of Crea e Gusta, L’Osteria di Piazza Litta, Tigella Bella and the Ristorante Il Gestore.

Check the complete ranking on the web site


The Hotel di Varese in Via Como, the Hotel Colonne, Al Borducan, the Hotel Ungheria and the Hotel Vecchia Riva are TripAdvisor users’ favourite hotels in Varese.

Check the complete ranking on the web site


TripAdvisor points out that the popularity ranking is determined by factors such as: the quality, the trending and the quantity of the reviews that users give to a place, and also the consistency of these reviews during the time. If you want to learn more about how these rankings are made and updated (including those about the restaurants and the hotels) click here

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