Where are U, the life-saving app
A badge created by NUE 112, on the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. Just touch the screen to seek help.
![Generico 2018](https://www.varesenews.it/photogallery_new/images/2018/11/generico-2018-710636.610x431.jpg)
A badge to say stop to violence against women has been created by the Soreu Metropolitana operators of NUE 112, in Milan.
Where areu calls up the app “Where are U”, which you can download onto your phone. With this app, you can activate the emergency services quickly, just by touching the screen of your smartphone.
What the app is for
What is exceptional about this app is that it “communicates” with the information system of the Single NUE 112 Operations Centre, making it possible to identify the exact location even when the caller does not know or is not able to provide precise information about her position.
How the app works
The app detects your position using GPS and/or a data network and displays it on your phone; when you call, the position is transmitted via the data network, or by text message if the data network is not available. The dual transmission channel always ensures that the location is sent whenever a call can be made.
What if I can’t talk?
The app allows you to voluntarily make a silent call; with special buttons, you can indicate the type of emergency service required.
Can it always be used?
Yes, the caller location information is available to NUE 112, but Where ARE U can always be used, because it indicates the town and road where you are or your GPS position, if you are not in an urban area. This information must always be provided to any emergency service, to enable them to intervene.
How do I get it?
Where ARE U is available for iOS, Android and Windows Phone smartphones.
You can find it on the dedicated website where.areu.lombardia.it, and on the Apple App store, Google Play Store and Windows Phone App Store, by searching for “112 Where ARE U“.
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