The travelling exhibition, which will come to the Bodini Museum, sets off from the “Fabbrica del Vapore”

Empatie/Contaminazioni is the title of the project that will be inaugurated in Milan and that compares forty contemporary engravers with four masters of sculpture

Generico 2018

From past, present and future. This is how we might describe the project “Empatie/Contaminazioni. Dialoghi tra materia e segno”, which is being inaugurated on Thursday, 13 December, at the “Sala Colonne” of the “Fabbrica del Vapore” in Milan, the first stage of the travelling project, which, in March, will come to the Bodini Museum, in Gemonio.

Forty contemporary engravers are being compared to four masters of sculpture: Kengiro Azuma, Floriano Bodini, Marino Marini and Francesco Messina.

The exhibition is being promoted by the Cultural Association “Le Belle Arti – Progetto Artepassante”, in collaboration with the Floriano Bodini Museum and the association, Milano Printmakers. With contributions by Lombardy Region, and the patronage of Milan City Council, the project is part of the European Year of Cultural Heritage.

There is a very close link between sculpture and engraving, both linguistic and physical, starting from the matrix, an essential element for the engraver, who creates his image and brings forth his idea on a three-dimensional element. The link between these two forms of expression is ancient and has existed for centuries, since the birth of printing. Three-dimensionality and two-dimensionality are like two aspects of the same search, two forms of expression that can be compared on both an artistic and a technical level.

The history of art speaks of sculptors who, in their planning process, have also explored the potential of the engraving equipment; examples include some of the greatest artists born in Milan, or adopted by the city, in the most active years of the creative search.

The exhibition starts with an in-depth analysis of the linguistic significance and of the cultural trends in sculpture and engraving, considering four artists, namely, Azuma, Bodini, Marini and Messina, sculptors for whom the bond with the Lombard territory and the city of Milan, was crucial for the young generations of artists who have interpreted its deep creative sentiment.

Forty contemporary engravers, selected by a scientific committee of Patrizia Foglia, Renato Galbusera, Diego Galizzi and Ivan Pengo, were called to be compared with the work of the four masters, creating an ideal path that brings together students and teachers. There are four sections in the exhibition, each of which will contain a work of sculpture by one of the four masters, accompanied by the engravings inspired by him. The strong point of the project is the desire to involve the public in a workshop of literacy, knowledge and sharing of the particular characteristics of engraving. The exhibition will travel around, and, later, will go to the Civic Museum, in Pavia, the “Floriano Bodini” Civic Museum, in Gemonio, and the Palazzo Cittadini Stampa, in Abbiategrasso.

To complete the project, a number of free workshops have been planned by Milano Printmakers, intended for a number of targets, which will take place at the exhibition venues, and in neighbouring venues.

Particular attention has been paid to the search for new targets, with initiatives aimed at integration and inclusion: students, migrants, disabled people. Workshops will be organised that stimulate touch, in collaboration with associations active in the territory.

Artists in the exhibition: Ciro Agostini, Bruno Biffi, Sandro Bracchitta, Vincenzo Burlizzi, Linda Carrara, Jacopo Ceccarelli 2501, T-Yong Chung, Giuliana Consilvio, Claudio Corfone, Virginia Dal Magro, Marta Di Donna, Laura Di Fazio, Patrizio Di Sciullo, Alessandra Donnarumma, Vladimiro Elvieri, Cinzia Fiorese, Graziano Folata, Renato Galbusera, Gaia Gianardi, Shuhei Matsuyama, Francesca Magro, Samuele Menin, Elettra Metallinò, Bonizza Modolo, Sara Montani, Elena Monzo, Abir Nazha, Gigi Pedroli, Paolo Petrò, Angela Reggiori, Agim Sako, Tano Santoro, Chiara Toni, Attilio Tono, Giovanni Turria, Marco Useli, Arianna Vairo, Nicola Villa, Lucrezia Zaffarano, Salvatore Zappalà.


Dialogues between material and marks

By Sara Bodini, Patrizia Foglia, Renato Galbusera, Diego Galizzi, Ivan Pengo.

13-22 December 2018.

Milan, Fabbrica del Vapore – Sala Colonne

Via Giulio Cesare Procaccini, 4 – Milan

Inauguration 13 December, at 6 p.m.

At 5 p.m., graphics workshop for children

At 6 p.m., inauguration and presentation of the exhibition

Opening hours after the inauguration: from Tuesday to Sunday 10.30 a.m. – 1 p.m. / 3 p.m. – 6 p.m.

Organising office

The exhibition will subsequently go to:

PAVIA, Museo Civico, 6 February – 10 March

GEMONIO, Museo Civico Floriano Bodini, 16 March – 22 April

ABBIATEGRASSO, Palazzo Cittadini Stampa, 4 – 31 May

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