Vertical green conquers Italy, boom in 2018
Green and furniture in a single solution. It is called vertical green and it is able to offer gardens, furnishing and complementary plants and even domestic gardens - even to those who do not have space, capacity or great economic resources.
Green and furniture in a single solution. It is called vertical green and is able to offer gardens, furnishing and complementary plants and even domestic gardens – even to those who do not have space, capacity or great economic resources.
An authentic revolution, strictly Made in Italy, which will enrich – hopefully as soon as possible – our cities with a real, authentic green, beautiful to see and breathe.
Let’s see together what vertical green is and why we saw such an important boom in 2018 – also thanks to the achievement of the market by local companies such as, for example, Green Habitat.
What is vertical green?
The name vertical green contains all those solutions that use the vertical space to install green, furniture plants, gardens and even edible plants. This is a sector that is expanding rapidly, as shown by the latest sales figures.
Why rely on such a solution? Why not be content with the classic solutions, which use balconies and terraces in the city to allow us to enjoy the minimum amount of green necessary for our well-being?
First of all, because of the question of spaces: not everyone has the enormous fortune of having a balcony or a terrace in the city, especially in those cities where you have to be content to live in a few square meters.
Secondly, why should we never be satisfied with just outdoor green – why not also take advantage of indoor spaces to have the vegetation, furniture or food – that we have always dreamed of?
Obviously, these are not the only advantages that have brought the vertical green to be the real novelty of 2018, the one that has managed to capture the heart of Italians. We’ll talk about it very soon. Continue reading.
The advantages of the vertical green at home
What are the advantages of vertical green at home? There are several, all or almost all of them, directly or indirectly due to the well-being of those who live in those environments:
- Relaxation: it is perhaps the most ephemeral and difficult to measure among the benefits of vertical green. However, no one would be ready to say otherwise: more green means more relaxation for those who live at home or at the office;
- Thin powders PM 10: they are the main polluting agent of industrial companies – vertical green is able to reduce their concentrations within a few days, making the air we breathe healthier;
- Formaldehyde: used in furniture paints and slowly released into the environment. Vertical green is able to absorb it, reducing the incidence of cancer forms that are linked precisely to the high concentrations of formaldehyde;
- Noise pollution: especially for those who live in the city because unfortunately they have to deal with a noise pollution that takes away peace, relaxation, concentration and well-being. With the installation of quality vertical green, you can isolate your home from annoying noises;
- Dust mites, bacteria and viruses: they all proliferate in particular humid conditions. Vertical green helps you to keep humidity stable at around 50%, creating disadvantageous conditions for pathogens and parasites.
The advantages are therefore many, and it is for these reasons that, as the 2018 sales data certify, vertical green has become such a popular solution in Italy.
For experienced chefs there is also the possibility of an indoor garden
Vertical green offers several clever solutions. Among the most popular in our country, where many people love to cook and put themselves to the test with tasty and complicated dishes, there is just the vertical garden, an indoor solution to have all the aromatic plants that can be needed in the kitchen.
With modules that are only 1.10 square meters in size, it is possible to have up to 48 plants ready for use, in any season and at any time.
An ideal solution that the old balcony gardens are not even able to offer us and that is also suitable for those who have extremely small spaces and no exposure to the sun.
Those who choose vertical green will marry their homes, offices or production facilities with the future, guaranteeing well-being and relaxation, making the air healthier and eliminating parasites and pathogens. Without forgetting that even the visual impact and that even the aesthetic impact of these solutions is simply incredible.
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