DigitaLife at Milano Digital Week. Free screening on 14 March

Produced by Varese Web, with RAI Cinema and the “Ente dello Spettacolo” Foundation, DigitaLife is being screened at 6.30 p.m., in the Assolombarda Gio Ponti Auditorium.

Generico 2018

DigitaLife will be the protagonist at Milano Digital Week 2019. On Thursday, 14 March, the film, which was directed by Francesco Raganato and produced by Varese Web, with RAI Cinema and the “Ente dello Spettacolo” Foundation, is coming to the biggest Italian event dedicated to digital technology: the screening (entry is free of charge) is being organised in collaboration with Assolombarda, and is scheduled for 6.30 p.m., in the Assolombarda Gio Ponti Auditorium, the entrance to which is at Via Pantano 9.

For DigitaLife, this is a natural showcase. The film, which brings together 50 different testimonies, came out of the idea to tell the story of how the Internet and digital technology have changed everyday life, creating a sort of mosaic, in which technology is the great protagonist in the change. This topic is dear to the second Milano Digital Week, which, by dealing with Urban Intelligence, sets out to analyse the multitude of technologies and applications that transform towns, employment and human relations, by having an impact on the public and private lives of people.

As the initiative promoted by Milan City Council (Office of Digital Transformation and Civic Services) and produced by the Cariplo Factory, IAB (Interactive Advertising Bureau and Hublab), DigitaLife is a long, collective tale of experiences and projects in the making, virtuous examples of transformation and new opportunities, and has an ambitious goal: to understand how innovation has changed and is changing how we live, work and interact, and how it can contribute increasingly to improving our everyday lives, the quality of life and the future itself of our towns.

At the screening of DigitaLife, there will be the director, Francesco Raganato, the producer, Marco Giovannelli and Patrizia Tossi, the assistant to the Councillor for Digital Transformation and Civic Services, Roberta Cocco.

After Milan, the film will be shown:

22 March – Como, Conference Hall, of Insubria University

22 March – Gavirate (near Varese), Garden Cinema (screening reserved for students of the Galileo Galilei Institute, in Laveno)

26 March – Reggio Emilia, Rosebud Cinema

27 March – Saronno (near Varese), Silvio Pellico Cinema

5 April – Turin, Rinascimenti Sociali

6 April – Palermo, Real Teatro Santa Cecilia

10 April – Besnate (near Varese), Cinema Incontro

13 April – Bari, Anche Cinema

(the calendar is being updated)


DigitaLife came out of the idea to tell the story of how the Internet and digital technology have changed everyday life. It is revealed by the over 50 stories in the docufilm, which were selected from hundreds collected over almost two years of work. The result is a collective tale that touches a number of topics: the birth of the Internet, the loss of a dear one, the evolving world of employment, recovery after a crisis, the search for lost happiness, the possibility of socialising, travelling, sharing experiences and emotions. But also terrorism, the world of information, cyberbullying. It is all packaged with a view of hope in the future. DigitaLife is a film that speaks about a world made of connections, sharing and life.

Director: Francesco Raganato

Adaptation by: Marco Giovannelli, Manuel Sgarella, Francesco Raganato

Original Music by: Vittorio Cosma

Editing by: Diego Zucchetto

Production by: Varese Web, in collaboration with RAI Cinema and the Ente dello Spettacolo Foundation

Nationality: Italian

Duration: 75’

Genre: Documentary

The production of the docufilm found supporters such as the Italian Environment Fund (FAI), the “Cinque Terre” National Park, Terre des Hommes, the European association of the Vie Francigene, the Order of Journalists. Partners include SEA, EOLO, Coop, Tigros, Elmec Informatica, Caffè Chicco d’Oro, Habitare, NAU!, Hagam and EOIPSO.


All updates on the website and on the main social channels: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter.

Pubblicato il 14 Marzo 2019
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