Spring excursions for discovering Lugano and its surroundings
From food and wine tours to nature walks: the proposals to discover the Ticino area

With the arrival of spring, nature awakens with many excursions on foot and suitable activities for families, children and all fans of outdoor initiatives.
Lugano Region, in collaboration with several local operators, once again, offers a rich calendar of fixed-date excursions and guided tours to discover not only the city centre, but also the most characteristic villages, without forgetting the traditions.
Below is an overview of all the proposals from April to December 2019:
Every Monday and Saturday from April to October, those that are feeling curious will be able to participate for free in guided city tours: On Mondays, the Unexpected Classic Tour will surprise all participants with an unusual and fun city tour, to discover the characters that part of Lugano’s history.
On Saturdays instead, the Guided City Walk will explore the city through an interesting walk to discover the recently restored area between the Cathedral and the railway station, with particular attention to the city from above.
Guided excursions in the surrounding areas
From Monte San Salvatore to Monte Brè, without forgetting Gandria, during the summer, for only CHF 15.- for adults CHF 10.- for children, Lugano Region offers guided tours from the city centre to the surrounding beauties to discover the panoramic peaks and local traditions.
There are many opportunities for those with little time, but still want to enjoy the activities related to food and wine and discover genuine products, such as chestnuts, honey, wines and local beers, cold cuts and cheeses with particular aromas and flavours depending on the forage they feed on local farms.
These include the 5 fixed-date food and wine excursions : the “Saturday Beer Tastings” (15/06 and 14/09), the “Saturday Wine Cellar Visits” (21/09 – 12/10 – 19/10 – 02/11 – 09/11), the brand new itineraries in collaboration with the Monte Lema SA “On the way to the mountain pastures – Monte Lema” (16/06 – 21/07 – 08/09), “The Path of Sonvico” on Sunday 29/09 and the “Chestnut Day during the Vezio Grà Festival on Sunday 13/10.
The “Taste my Swiss City” proposal continues – a half-day long independent food and wine tour to discover the places where locals usually eat and go out for a night out with friends in the city centre.
The food and wine proposals will continue even in autumn and winter: “Autumn Flavours in Lugano” and “Christmas is in the air”. Both are an unmissable opportunity to experience the magic of the city in an atmosphere of celebration and unparalleled colours. The information brochure of guided tours with all the details and information is available at all tourist information offices and can be requested directly online. All guided tours include a mandatory booking, so it is suggested to always consult the website to view the latest information or write directly to info@luganoregion.com.
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