Two cakes made by Buosi in the guidebook of bakers “Gambero Rosso”

“Gambero Rosso” guide “Bakers and Bakeries”, that awarded the prestigious title to Buosi, crowns Iginio Massari as the best baker in Italy

Best bar: Buosi Varese

“Today we have been informed that our bakery has been included in the ranking “Gambero Rosso” among bakeries that have received 2 cakes out of a maximum of 3. For us bakers, the cakes of “Gambero Rosso” are equivalent to the Michelin stars for restaurants, therefore, you can imagine how important this news for us”. This is introduction message of the Facebook page of Buosi,  that describes a new gastronomic excellence of Varese. Buosi Bakery of Varese, in fact, is the only bakery of the province to be in the prestigious ranking with two cakes, with a score of 85/100: “we feel very proud, happy and satisfied: so many times in the last few years we felt discouraged in front of an increasingly fierce market, that spirals downward to the detriment of quality. This award of ‘Gambero Rosso’ shows that our choice to always focus on quality in the end pays off. A huge thanks to the staff and to our customers that support us daily, these 2 cakes are mostly thanks to you that you trust us and allow us to continue our work, loyal to our principles.”


“Gambero Rosso” guide “Bakers and Bakeries”, that awarded the prestigious title to Buosi, crowns Iginio Massari as the best baker in Italy with a score of 95/100: it is the ninth consecutive victory which makes him undisputed king according to the guide.

20 bakers were awarded with the two cakes throughout Italy, while the highest award the three cakes which correspond to three Michelin stars are only 23: the regions with the highest number of three number is Lombardy, with 6, than Campania with 5, Piedmont, Veneto, Emilia-Romagna, Latium and Sicily with 2, finally Tuscany and Trentino Alto Adige with 1.

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