Boom of visitors at the Belvedere of Palazzo Lombardia
There were almost 4,000 visitors on the last day of the public opening. Fontana: "It's one of the newest tourist destinations in the city"

The Sunday opening to the public of the Belvedere of Palazzo Lombardia (headquarters of the Region) for the Christmas holidays and extended until the last weekend of January has marked a real boom in attendance.
Enraptured by the sunny day, today almost 4,000 people admired the view from the 39th floor of the Regional Council headquarters, waiting for their turn for over an hour.
“The Belvedere has a great appeal for children, young people and adults,” said the governor Attilio Fontana. “The numbers of visits confirm that it is now one of the most important new tourist destinations in the city. A reality that fills me with pride and that also helps to bring citizens closer to the institutions”.
NEW REPLICATIONS IN SPRING, FOR THE 50 YEARS OF THE REGION – From December 7 until today, about 20,000 citizens and tourists have experienced the thrill of admiring Milan and the Lombard mountains from the salon on the top floor of the 161.3 metre skyscraper made of concrete, steel and glass, designed by Pei Cobb Freed & Partners, Caputo Partnership and SDPartners. The next Sunday openings of the Belvedere are planned for spring, as part of the programme of events that will celebrate the 50th anniversary of the birth of the Lombardy Region.
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