Varese Province on Instagram: here are the “Magnificent 5”

At the BIT exhibition, the Chamber of Commerce is presenting the most "instagrammed" locations, with a presentation also of the major tourist-sporting events of 2020.

Luci di Natale al Sacro Monte

Villa Panza, Sacro Monte, the Rocca di Angera, Santa Caterina del Sasso, and the Estensi Gardens: these locations in Varese Province are the “kings” of Instagram and will be among the protagonists of the area dedicated to Varese at BIT, the International Travel Exhibition, which is scheduled for Sunday 9 to Tuesday 11 February, in Fieramilanocity.

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Varesotto su Instagram, le “magnifiche 5” 4 di 20

The Chamber of Commerce analysed the presence of our territory on the social media of images. “We want to monitor, increasingly closely, the public’s interest in Varese and in the environmental and artistic excellence of our territory, on social media,” explained Fabio Lunghi, the President of the Chamber of Commerce, as he introduced the results of a study that took into account the posts published on social media that all of the indicators highlight as the fastest-growing and where, for the first time, attention focused on the quality of the image and the beauty of the places photographed. One fact is certain: on Instagram, Varese and its natural and artistic beauty are achieving increasing success.


In first place, in terms of public interest, there is Villa Panza, with 27,000 posts featuring #villapanza.

And if one of the most important sites, in terms of land art, in Europe attracts such a high level of interest, no less important is the number of posts that appear when searching for #sacromontedivarese. This location, which has been recognised by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site since 2013, was mentioned in 13,300 posts on Instagram.

Not only that, because the territory of Varese has three other sites that have more than 5000 posts published by instagrammers. These are the Rocca di Angera (#roccadiangera), the Hermitage of Santa Caterina del Sasso, in the village of Leggiuno (#santacaterinadelsasso), and the Estensi Gardens in Varese (#giardiniestensi).

And the appreciation of Lake Varese was also great; overall, there are more than 37,000 posts covering the various situations related to the Lake.


“These are significant steps forward, to which we make our contribution with the #varesedoyoulake profile, which now has close to 5000 followers of what is the official Instagram account of tourism in the province, and is becoming increasingly successful. Our presence at the International Travel Exhibition, at the Lombardy Region stand, will enable us to meet visitors and operators who, year after year, crowd the most important event in the sector,” said Mr Lunghi.

On Tuesday 11 February, at BIT, the Chamber of Commerce is taking an in-depth look at the calendar of the Varese Sport Commission project, with the tourist and sporting events scheduled for 2020 in the territory. This initiative will be of national importance, with the publication of this calendar in the Italian newspaper La Gazzetta dello Sport, which will be on the newsstands on that day. This will also provide the Chamber of Commerce with the opportunity to make a call for bids to sporting-tourist events in Varese. The event on Tuesday 11th, is at 10 a.m. at Fieramilanocity, Teodorico Gate/Colleoni Gate, Hall 3 (C17 C25 G16 G24), at the Lombardy Region stand.  

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