Italian companies and digital marketing
We are seeing a genuine boom in digital marketing, also in Italian companies of all types and sizes
We are seeing a genuine boom in digital marketing, also in Italian companies of all types and sizes. After all, in the past, there were many companies in Italy that did not use the Internet in any way. And so, this boom is also due to a race to realign with the rest of the world. We should also consider that digital marketing provides a series of undeniable advantages, which are there for all to see, even for those who run small, family businesses.
Why you should make use of digital marketing
There are many reasons that should convince any company to expand its digital marketing strategies. Nowadays, there are established organisations, also in Italy (such as Italiaonline), which can offer companies a complete, digital marketing service, from creating a company website to organising advertising campaigns on social media and appropriate courses. The Internet is the new piazza, where we can find demand and supply; the other channels for advertising are still used a lot, but a presence on the Internet is considered essential by everyone. This is because an increasing number of Italian people ignore other means of communication and only use the Internet. There are already more than 40 million users, who surf the Internet for an average of 6 hours a day, which is a lot more than the time dedicated to the radio, TV and newspapers.
The advantages of digital marketing
There are many advantages that digital marketing offers to companies. Starting with the possibility of creating a low-cost, online campaign. From a number of studies, it seems clear that many small companies use the Internet completely independently; whereas, larger, more established companies prefer to employ experts in the sector. And yet, it is SMEs that could actually benefit more from the help of the digital marketing professionals; however, in Italy, there are still many companies, particularly small, local ones, that struggle to encourage investments in this area. So, although there is a constant increase in the companies that use the Internet, many do so independently, and achieve poor results.
Attend a web marketing course
Anyone who wants to cut the cost of digital marketing can attend special courses, including those organised by Italiaonline. These will enable you to learn the necessary skills to create successful advertising campaigns online. For a large company, this type of opportunity might not be very appealing. But for SMEs, it is essential, as they can obtain the necessary know-how to create successful digital marketing campaigns, independently, without spending excessively. In many cases, companies of this kind understand that the Internet is the future of marketing, but are unable to take advantage of the means of communication adequately. Enabling small companies to create successful digital marketing campaigns could be the key to a fast, economy recovery.
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