Messenger rooms is here, this is how it works
Facebook rooms land in Italy. Here is how to create a free video call with up to 50 participants and open-ended
A room to meet relatives and friends. If in real life it is impossible and not recommended because of the coronavirus emergency, virtually, it is even easier. Facebook has launched a new service and it really met the requirements. It supports conversation between multiple people going through from its platform.
Many people will have received the invitation in these hours to create a room: what does this mean? It is a service of group video calls that provides you with a channel directly from messenger or Facebook opened at the same time to a maximum of 50 people, and you can invite whoever you want to join, through a shareable link, even if they don’t have a Facebook account.
If a friend or a member of the community opens a room, they can decide who has access and recipients will receive a notification on Facebook and they can join to the conversation. When you are invited in a room, it is possible to gain access both from your smartphone and from the computer without having to download anything.
What is new compared to other video calling services? Many things, first of all, the platform: Facebook is really across-the-board, nearly and as Whatsapp, but above all “Messenger rooms” allow a very high number of people to connect (Whatsapp will soon allow calls between eight people at most) and without time-limits.
Once the room has been opened, you can decide to invite directly someone and leave the “door wide open”, or close it: if we decide to leave our conversation open, other people could join the group even though they have been not invited (but you can exclude them at a later stage). If instead you close it, you will talk only with those that you invited. You can also choose the start time of the meeting: you can decide to open immediately the room or to set a pre-established day and time.
You can also report a room or give a feedback if you believe that someone is violating the standards set by Facebook.
You can also give a “name” to the rooms: “chat”, “cocktail”, “almost weekend”, “family” and much more. It is easy, funny but above all useful to stay connected.
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