Monteviasco and Arcumeggia among the National Trust’s “Favourite places”: “We’re proud of this”
Satisfaction over the results achieved by the Valcuvia and Luino, and East Verbano Delegation of the Italian National Trust, who supported the candidacy of these two heritage sites over the last few months.
The results have been announced of the tenth “I luoghi del cuore” (Favourite Places) census promoted by the Italian National Trust, in collaboration with Intesa SanPaolo.
The results provide a spontaneous mapping of the places we would like to protect, that constitutes the most heartfelt national application of the European Landscape Convention, which received the incredible number of about 2,400,000 votes from all over the country, with almost 40,000 places put forward, involving 82% of Italian municipalities. In addition to the national ranking, this year also included special rankings: Italy above 600 metres, and Historical Places of Health.
For Italy, in first place is the Cuneo-Ventimiglia-Nice railway, an important link between Piedmont, Liguria and the Côte d’Azur; in second place, there is the Castle of Sammezzano in Reggello, near Florence, and in third place, the Castle of Brescia.
The Cuneo-Ventimiglia-Nizza is one of the most beautiful scenic railways in Italy. (Here you will find others that we have selected for you, that are just as delightful.)
Space was also given to some places in Varese Province, as the National Trust Delegation of Valcuvia and Luino, and East Verbano explained. “We are really proud of the results achieved by the two candidate places in the territory covered by our Delegation, Monteviasco and Arcumeggia, which were ranked 48th, with 6754 votes, and 143rd, with 2948 votes, respectively, giving them the right to apply for funding for any projects they submit.
These results were made possible by the combined action of the Committees that were specifically formed, and of the Delegation and of National Trust volunteers, with the support of the municipal administrations and of several testimonials. Monteviasco’s very special situation, which is also known to the general public, thanks to many newspaper and television reports, also helped to achieve this remarkable result. Because of its location, the village also achieved 10th place in “Italy above 600 metres”. We would like to express our thanks to everyone who was actively involved in promoting the project and collecting signatures, and we hope this initiative will be a concrete step towards carrying out the work of protecting and enhancing that these Favourite Places need in order to be preserved and enjoyed by more and more people.
Arcumeggia was one of the finalists in the VareseNews Contest to find the most beautiful small village in the Varese Province. To find out more about how to get here and what to see, click here for all the info.
The small village of Arcumeggia is also crossed by the Via Verde Varesina, a route that takes you on a journey to discover art, nature and history, step by step. Click here for more information
The Campo dei Fiori Cable Railway, in Varese
The Campo dei Fiori Cable Railway is also in the ranking, in 52nd place in the national ranking, with 6336 votes. Its candidacy was supported by the Varese Delegation of the National Trust and many citizens. The Campo dei Fiori cable railway is situated near the famous hotel, which has been out of use for some time, but which is of architectural importance, and is a well-known place among the people of Varese. Together with the hotel, the Campo dei Fiori Cable Railway’s Mountain Station is also of historical importance. It was built in 1911, on the initiative of the Società Grandi Alberghi Varesini, to a design by the architect Giuseppe Sommaruga. Its tracks are 900 m in length, and it takes you to the summit of Monte Tre Croci in 11 minutes. For years, it was the highest cable railway in Italy.
Other local heritage sites in the ranking
Other heritage sites among the Favourite Places supported by the delegations include the Belforte Castle, in Varese, the Ghirla Railway Station, the “Castelletto” on the Olona River, in Castigione Olona, the Collegiate Church of San Vittore on the Bedero Hill, and the “Gallo di Vergiate” Church. The complete list of places can be found on the website of the Italian National Trust (FAI – Fondo Ambiente Italiano).
Translated by Riccardo Bianchi, Elisabetta Ciocca, Denise Mura and Charlotte Ovalle Santos
Reviewed by Prof. Rolf Cook
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