The guide to Sentiero Italia is now ready in English

An idea of the young people of “Va' sentiero”, to promote trekking and the highlands of Italy, also among tourists from abroad.

On Thursday, 25 March,, the digital guide to Sentiero Italia, produced by Va’ Sentiero, will also be available in English. With constant updates, the guide provides maps, advice and technical reviews of the stages completed and documented by the expedition, along the paths that connect the highlands of Italy, from Friuli-Venezia Giulia to Sardinia.


The guide was conceived and produced by the young people of Va’ sentiero, as a tool to inspire, for people to examine technical details and discover all the curiosities that are needed to prepare the ideal route, on the basis of personal needs and preferences. To simplify the consultation of the contents, the guide is structured by region, and has reviews of 240 stages, in 14 regions, covering 4881 km (so far).


We’ve translated the guide into English, to promote these paths and the highlands of Italy,” explained Yuri Basilicò, Sara Furlanetto and Giacomo Riccobono, the co-founders of Va’ sentiero. “This has been possible also thanks to the crowdfunding campaigns launched in the last few months, in which hundreds of people have participated; this shows that promoting the Italian highlands is a collective dream. Our guide seeks to provide a window to discover Sentiero Italia, and its translation into English expresses our intention to get everyone to share what CNN has defined as ‘the greatest of the great walks’.”


Translated by Brovelli Chiara and Francesca Sara

Reviewed by Prof. Rolf Cook

Pubblicato il 10 Aprile 2021
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