Shooting in the airport, a Tunisian is wounded

Moments of terror this morning in Terminal 1; a man smashed through the access door of the airport in his car, and attacked a policeman. The man was shot in the foot.

There were moments of terror this morning at Malpensa International Airport, where a car smashed through Door 14 of the check-in area of Terminal 1. A man armed with a knife got out of the car and attacked the policeman who was trying to stop him. At that point, a colleague shot, hitting the Tunisian in the foot. Panic ensued in Terminal 1, where the departures were temporarily suspended for over an hour and a half. The man was taken to Gallarate Hospital, where he received treatment under police guard. Giuseppe Bonomi, the chairman of SEA, the company that manages the airport, denied that there was any link with terrorism. “We can exclude any terrorist connection, there’s nothing that might imply this.” The Tunisian was apparently acting in a fit of anger against his Italian wife; however, there are still doubts about the true motive. According to an initial reconstruction, there were also the man’s wife and the couple’s children in the SUV, a Hyundai Tucson, which was stolen this morning in Cerro Maggiore, near Milan. The man was accompanying his wife to the airport, when a violent row apparently broke out between the two of them. The Tunisian’s anger led to his losing control of the car.

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Pubblicato il 22 Febbraio 2011
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