Harry Potter likes the “Amaretti di Saronno”
A biscuit tin of the famous amaretti appears in one of the scenes of the first part of the final film of the magician’s saga: “the overseas excellence”.
The Amaretti di Saronno is liked by Harry Potter. Putting aside the recent legal wars between biscuit producers, there is an important innovation in the production of the famous biscuits: in fact, the Amaretti di Saronno appears in a scene of the last chapter of the magician saga: “Harry Potter and the deathly hallows” which was released in Italy a few days ago. The Amaretti tin appears behind the counter of a snack bar during an adrenaline-charged scene. The society which produces the tin is ”D.Lazzaroni&C”. Today it no longer has a factory in Saronno, but it has kept the famous trademark ”Amaretti di Saronno”. It seems that the vintage charm of the classic red tin has conquered also the American and British producers of the last great global success of the cinema” explained the company with satisfaction ”The Amaretti di Saronno Lazzaroni, which more than 100 years ago crossed the national border, today represent an excellent sweet also overseas and are one of the worldwide symbols of Italian lifestyle”.
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