Antiperspirant vs. Deodorant: which is right for you?

Deodorants and antiperspirants work in different ways to deal with your body odor. According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), antiperspirants are considered a drug, whereas deodorants are categorized as cosmetics. Continue reading if you want to learn more about the differences between deodorants and antiperspirants and what's your best option


Deodorants and antiperspirants work in different ways to deal with your body odor. According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), antiperspirants are considered a drug, whereas deodorants are categorized as cosmetics. Continue reading if you want to learn more about the differences between deodorants and antiperspirants and what’s your best option.


Deodorants are widely available in stores, or you can order them online via websites such as Thanks to their unique formula, they can eliminate armpit odor. However, they don’t eliminate perspiration.

Almost all deodorants are alcohol-based, which means they make your skin acidic. Thanks to that, odor-causing bacteria can’t thrive on your skin. So, even though you will sweat, there will be no odor. Also, most deodorants contain perfume to cover the odor from any remaining bacteria that wasn’t eliminated.


Antiperspirants contain aluminum-based compounds that prevent sweating by blocking sweat pores. It is the aluminum chloride along with the aluminum compounds that block the sweat glands and prevent sweating.

Which is right for you?

Those that want to take full control over their sweating and don’t like the idea of any underarm wetness should use an antiperspirant. On the other hand, for the folks who don’t sweat excessively and only want to smell fresh and reduce their body odor, they need deodorant. Indeed, by using an antiperspirant to deal with your sweating, you will also eliminate body odor. After all, the odor is a byproduct of bacteria and sweat. If you don’t sweat, the bacteria hiding under your armpit won’t smell.

A small 2005 study that included 53 male participants revealed that both antiperspirants and deodorants can effectively deal with body odor and are safe to use. However, the study also revealed that those with advanced kidney disease (kidney function reduced to just 30%) can’t effectively clear the aluminum from their system. Those without a kidney disease can freely use antiperspirants as they don’t pose any health risk.

Combination of deodorant and antiperspirant

There are products on the market that function as both an antiperspirant and a deodorant. Most of these products will be labeled as deodorant and antiperspirant. But if you are not sure, you can always look up the ingredients. Deodorants typically have baking soda or alcohol, whereas antiperspirants feature aluminum as an active ingredient.

In case you opt to use both products on their own, separately, you need to apply the antiperspirant first. If possible, apply it before going to bed at night. That way, the antiperspirant has time to be activated overnight. You can apply the deodorant in the morning.

In conclusion

Both deodorant and antiperspirant can help you with your sweating, each in its way. Antiperspirants control sweating and minimize wetness, whereas deodorants minimize body odor. At the same time, not everyone sweats the same. Sometimes that’s because of their metabolism, their job, and perhaps some other reason. What works best for some folks doesn’t cut it for others, and that’s how you should approach this matter.

Deodorant should be everyone’s first station as it is the more natural approach. After all, sweating is a natural process, and there is a reason for it. But, if your sweating is excessive, then an antiperspirant might be the only way to go forward. There are even clinical strength antiperspirants for folks whose sweating is extremely intense. A doctor can only prescribe those types of antiperspirants.

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Pubblicato il 13 Maggio 2021
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