Rain and cold, this is the weather forecast alert for Tuesday

Heavy rain and snow are forecast at 2000 metres. Risk of hydrogeological instability and landslides.

Don’t be mistaken: this sun won’t last. In a few hours, rain and cold will be back to fill our days. At least for the next two days. It had been forecast, the “Centro geofisico Prealpino” gave us the warning, and today we have the confirmation: the clouds will come back in the afternoon and then it will start raining again. The snow will fall at 2000 meters.

Meteo Varese forecasts bad weather too. "An Atlantic trough draws humid air into our region. The presence of the Alpine barrier will encourage the production of strong and abundant rainfall. 100 mm of rain is expected within 24 hours in many mountain areas and foothills, especially in Biella, VCO , Canton Ticino, Varese and Como.

There’s a risk of local hydrogeological instability. Beware of landslides and swollen streams. Luckily, the torrential rains during the night between Sunday and Monday have caused few inconveniences: the Busto Arsizio firefighters activities were limited to a few floods between Marnate and Busto Arsizio.

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Pubblicato il 05 Maggio 2010
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