The railway Mendrisio-Stabio has been inaugurated, now we are waiting for the Italian side

The short connection will be covered by the railway line S40 from Albate Camerlata: it cost CHF 180 million. But, also Ticino is paying attention to the problems on the Varese side and is hoping for a solution, "Otherwise, it's an incomplete work."

Just few minutes by train, only one new station along the way, but for the Swiss today was an important inauguration. The line Mendrisio-Stabio signs the conclusion of the Confederazione line, which for the Italian is the line Arcisate-Stabio and for the Swiss is the line Lugano-Mendrisio-Malpensa. This is a line that  becomes completely operating from the 15th of December, with the S40 Albate Camerlata-Mendrisio-Stabio, which will allow at least the border-workers from Como to reach Stabio (moreover there will be S50 trains limited only to the line from Mendrisio).

However, the inhabitants of Varese will have to wait a little longer, because of the problems at the construction sites of Valceresio. After the Claudio Salini company terminated the contract, the wait for a new line in the Italian soil – two years and a half – has been calculated by an official of the RFI (Italian Railway Lines), the only one Italian delegate of the work who was present at the inauguration (during which sarcastic references were not missed to Raffaele Cattaneos bet about the respect of the timetable in the Italian side, too). Click here to know more about the situation of the construction sites in Valceresio.

The cost of the new border was CHF 180 million, and several important works have been performed, such as the construction of underpasses and bridges, as well as the reopening of Stabio station and the adjustment of Mendrisio station. All this has been made without stopping the freight traffic towards the free point of Stabio and the fuel storage of Gaggiolo. Click here to know more about the works and technical aspects. 

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Pubblicato il 28 Novembre 2014
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