Single leadership for the Whirlpool-Indesit Company
In January 2015, Esther Berrozpe, the former President of Whirlpool EMEA, will be taking on the responsibility for the two industrial groups. Marco Milani, Indesit’s CEO, is resigning at the end of the year.
Marc Bitzer, the vice President of the Whirlpool Corporation, has announced the change of leadership following acquisition of Indesit Company, and in light of the upcoming activities of integration with Whirlpool Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA). Esther Berrozpe (see photo), the former President of Whirlpool EMEA, will be taking on the leadership of the company’s integrated business, on 1 January 2015. In her new position, Berrozpe will be responsible for the joint operations of Whirlpool and Indesit Company.
“Having a single leadership will be decisive for the success of Whirlpool in the EMEA region,” Marc Bitzer, the vice President of the Whirlpool Corporation, said. “It is a milestone, given that we decided to characterise our business with growth and continuous creation of value, by integrating processes, and, in view of our attention to consumers, to product innovation and to expanding the margin.”
Marco Milani has announced his intention to resign from his post as CEO of Indesit, on 31 December 2014. Following closure of the Public Purchase Offer, and of the squeeze-out procedure, the ordinary Indesit Company shares were withdrawn on 3 December, and Indesit Company is now entirely controlled by the Whirlpool Corporation. As announced previously, Whirlpool Italia Holdings completed acquisition of the majority of the Indesit Company shares on 14 October 2014.
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