Giorgio Trombetta: prestigious and discreet family’s representative dies
Calzaturificio di Varese former general manager's son, Trombetta is part of a great managers' descent. He never left Giubiano, where he lived with all his family
The news of its tragic death was on the first pages of the main national newspapers, like Corriere della Sera and also in the economic pages, like Il Giornale, which briefly explained how dramatic Giorgio Trombetta‘s death has been for Italian insurance sector. He fell down in the snow on Saturday 13th in La Thuile and he died of hypothermia on Sunday morning in Aosta hospital:
Mario Greco’s Assicurazioni Generali loses Giorgio Trombetta, exponent in its first lines in Italy. Alleanza-Toro general associate manager, Trombetta died yesterday of hypothermia, after an accident on ski runs in Aosta Valley. Trombetta (57 years old) was coordinating the eight “construction sides”, from which will be built the new operative building of "Leone" in the Peninsula, lead by country manager Raffaele Agrusti, of whom he was the right-hand man. Trombetta has been working for a long time in insurance sector. He was born in Varese and he entered Trieste giant in 2002, with a degree in Economics at Università Cattolica. He was also an expert auditor and he had worked as advisor in Reconta Ernst & Young, where he had been in charge of different positions. Before becoming co-director in Alleanza-Toro, he had been manager in Ina-Assitalia.
"The skier from Milan" (as the first newspapers titled the articles after the tragedy) is in reality the representative of Varese greatest managers’ real dynasty: his father, Giuseppe, was the general manager of the Calzaturificio di Varese. His brother Eligio is Piaggio Aero Industries general manager; his brother Andrea has been Inda general manager for long; his brother Claudio is Lindt manager.
He was part of a family that could have already "flown off" up to national and international areas, only for pride. They instead remained really established in the territory, specifically in Giubiano area. They all live in via Bligny, in three cottages.
His mother Luciana is a catechist that has taught to many children from Giubiano, as well as her daughter-in-law Giovanna. The boys of the family take part, or have taken part, to all activities and multisport activities in sunday school. The family men, in spite of national and international responsibilities, always go to Giubiano St. Ambrose’s church on Sunday mornings. Indeed, Claudio was there at 6 p.m. Also his mother Luciana went to church at 10 a.m., as usual, even if the news of the tragedy was spreading in that moment.
It is a piece of news that shocked all the community, but up to now neither the habits nor the structure of the street have changed: the three cottages are there, discreet as usual, quiet and reign of understatement. The only thing one could notice on early Monday mornings, was Eligio cleaning the paths in the house where both them and Giorgio’s family live (his wife Marilisa and his two sons Emanuele and Martina), in view of the next sadly convulsive days. In the same time, national newspapers were still telling about his travel to China for Piaggio, from which he came back because of the tragedy.
They are symbols of working and living modesty, which the community have appreciated and protected for years and also during these days of dramatic notoriety. This evening the community is meeting with the same respect, waiting for funeral date, which will be defined by the post-mortem examination. People will prey together with the family. According to the instructions after the afternoon Mass, the watch for "parishioner Giorgio Trombetta, deceased on Sunday" is taking place at 8.30 p.m. in Giubiano church.
La community di VareseNews
Loro ne fanno già parte
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