The “great massacre in the Mediterranean”, in a web series by Fabrizio Gatti
“Un unico destino – Tre padri e il naufragio che ha cambiato la nostra storia” (“One destiny – Three fathers and a shipwreck that changed our history”) is the tale of the shipwreck on 11 October 2013, that cost 268 people their lives. This project will also be the focus of an event during the Glocal Festival.
On 11 October 2013, the shipwreck that cost 268 people their lives and changed our history, put the spotlight back on the dramatic issue of immigration from North Africa. This story has now become a web series.
“Un unico destino – Tre padri e il naufragio che ha cambiato la nostra storia” is the title of the series that reveals the hidden truths behind the 2013 tragedy in the Mediterranean, and the story of three Syrian doctors, who lost their children in the disaster. The docufilm was produced by L’Espresso, La Repubblica and Gedi Divisione Digitale, in collaboration with 42° Parallelo, and is fully available online, by clicking here.
The web series, of five episodes, will also be the focus of an event during the Glocal Festival. On Friday 17 November, at 4 p.m., Massimo Russo, the executive director of Gedi’s digital division, Fabrizio Gatti and Marco Giovannelli will be discussing the topic of in-depth journalism, digital media and video platforms, in an attempt, in the post-truth era, to start from the facts, telling stories that leave a mark and that start debates in the web society.
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