Free flowing bike sharing is coming

The council approved a scheme of resolution, Chinese companies are coming but there is also the progression of the cycle lane train stations-lake project

bike sharing

In the next few days, free flowing bike sharing will arrive in Varese too. Two companies stepped up proposing the installation of hundreds of two-wheels vehicles to the city: Ofo and Mobike, both Chinese. It is the same operation that has already took place in Milan and Florence: pretty easy to use them, it only takes an app. Difficult to manage: in Milan, people throw them into the canals. In some cities like Amsterdam, they were banned because they quickly became waste. In Manchester and Beijing, on the other hand, the problem was addressed on how to draw up regulations that avoid violations, taking advantage of the opportunities.

(Photo, assessor for the environment Dino De Simone, mayor Galimberti, assessor Civati)

To regulate the usage, this morning the council has “outlined the procedure that private workers have to follow to bring also to Varese these new opportunities of movement, linked to sustainable transport.” We will know more in the next few days, but the curiosity is huge. It will considerably increase the offer and it could be a shift towards the usage of the two-wheels vehicles. In the city, in fact, there is already a traditional bike sharing, “Gimme bike”, that unfortunately doesn’t work well and never gained much success.


The Assessor Andrea Civati would like to increase the usage of bikes in the city. “Even Varese wants to bring #bicycles on buses just like in other European countries! The law is not clear and the Driver & Vehicle Licensing Agency doesn’t approve. I will contact the municipality of Cagliari in the next few days: it is right to create a cohesive front of communal administrations that will pressure the Government and the central authorities in order to receive a ‘European’ response”.


Another project that has been around for at least two years is the cycle lane that goes from Varese to the lake. The council confirmed it and launched the planning phase: “A few days ago,” said assessor Andrea Civati, “we finished the project #cycle lane that will link the train stations to the lake of Varese.”

Here is the route: Via Morosini, corso Moro, via Sacco and via XXV Aprile. And then, down to the lake. It is going to be a work that will revolutionise the mobility of the city, offering protected routes to cyclists”.

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