At the Earth Market, panettone, Lombard-style goose, and Christmas scents

On Saturday, 8 December, the Christmas event with locally-sourced products selected by Slow Food, that are perfect for the table of the festivities.

Generico 2018

The Piambello Earth Market, on Saturday 8 December, will be doubly special.

It is the last event before Christmas, and therefore, there will be many excellent products for the holidays on the stalls set up in Induno Olona, starting with the famous Grazioli panettone made with sourdough, which will have a central role in the workshop given by Nicolò Grazioli.

Another star will be the Lombard-style goose, which the municipal tourist board of Induno Olona will serve up for lunch, with steaming polenta.
The appointment on Saturday will be special, also because it coincides with the Slow Food Day, which, this year, is dedicated to Food for Change, a time for reflection on climate change, which is clearly influenced by our daily food choices (intensive farming, industrial agriculture, etc.) and this is what the members of Slow Food will talk about with visitors to the market.

The stalls will be present with their zero-kilometre products from local producers, selected by Slow Food in Varese Province, in accordance with the criterion of good and clean food, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., in Via Jamoretti, in San Cassano.

Shop consciously, by purchasing cheeses, vegetables, jams, pasta, honey, fruit, bread, flour, rice, saffron, poultry, snails, wine and much more.

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