Olona river, the update of the purifiers is coming soon
According to the 'Amici dell'Olona' (Friends of the Olona), the process leading to the update of the purification plants that discharge into the river has begun
“Eppur si muove” (“and yet it moves”): this is the phrase with which the lawyer Franco Brumana introduced to the “Amici dell’Olona” the news concerning the future of the purification plants located along the river (photo by Franco Brumana).
Galileo’s quote demonstrates that a cautious optimism is now possible. “The mentality has changed: finally, we can find around us a real interest in the health of the river and the territory. Following the requests of the ‘Amici dell’Olona’ and the municipality of Parabiago, ATO has in fact published a resolution that defines the implementation of the Priority catchment area plan, part of the Territorial plan concerning the execution of the work of updating of the purifiers, given to avoid incurring EU penalties.”
However, some doubts about the role of Società Olona spa, owner of the plants, remain: “The fact that the documents about the plants of Varese Pravaccio and Cantello are provided, but those relating to Gornate Olona, Cairate and Olgiate Olona are not complete, really leaves a bitter taste in the mouth. The Società Olona spa has not provided the technical documentation of the three purifiers, claiming to not be in possession of them. A reason that seems unbelievable to all of us and that has forced Alfa srl (the company delegated by the Province to intervene, Ed.) to carry out new surveys.”
Nevertheless, the resolution of the ATO with the feasibility studies on the conditions of the purifiers is seen as a positive signal for the future. “In the document we acknowledge the European regulations, our requests and the status of the purifiers: it is all in black and white, now it will not be possible to go back. There is money (thanks to the recovery of what had been paid by taxpayers in bills from 2002 to 2012 and retained by municipalities, Ed.), and there is a willingness to change the situation. However, there is no determination to achieve all this in the shortest time as possible,” explains Brumana, reminding how serious the situation is. “Every day, every single day, we commit the crime of environmental pollution, so we cannot put it back: the legality must be restored in the province of Varese, which cannot be the ‘land of fires’ of Lombardy.”
The eyes of the “Amici dell’Olona” are turned to the presidents of ATO and Alfa srl and to the president of the province of Varese (Emanuele Poretti, Paolo Mazzucchelli and Emanuele Antonelli, mayors of Castiglione Olona, Cairate and Busto Arsizio respectively): “All three of them are showing a remarkable awareness to the problem of pollution of the river, and this helps us to be confident about the future.”
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