Fuck The Cancer 2019 in preparation
Fourth edition of "Fuck the Cancer”; the charity event to raise funds for the fight against cancer

The dates have been revealed:Friday 24th, Saturday 25th, and Sunday 26th May, the gates of Villa Tatti Talacchini in Comerio will open, leaving space for a charity invasion.
It will be the second edition managed in collaboration with the “Giacomo Ascoli Foundation”.
Like every year, there will be the auction of footballers shirts. Also confirmed, the 7.5 km trail and the shorter trail that is suitable for families. For the little ones, there will be activities, workshops and games.
The evenings will be enlivened by music: on Friday night the “Shooting Stars” will perform, a tribute to Vasco Rossi on Saturday with the “Asilo Republic”, and Sunday, sounds of Ligabue with the “Free Exit”.
The food stand will be managed by the Alpini Brinziesi Group; there will also be patronages from the Province of Varese, the Municipality of Varese, the Municipality of Comerio, the University of Insubria and Asst dei Sette Laghi.
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