“Let’s find money to let the Valmorea railway be revived”
Mayor Paolo Mazzucchelli appeals to all Varese parliamentarians: “We need 10 million Euros to relaunch the whole Valley from Malnate to Castellanza”
He appeals to them in order to find funds to revive the Valmorea railway. Last week Cairate mayor Paolo Mazzucchelli took part in the meeting organised by the closed group that deals with the project of bringing the stretch of railway between Malnate and Castellanza back to life. The stretch from Malnate to Mendrisio is already active and a recent project carried out by Castellanza Liuc University calculates that the conclusion of the stretch needs ten million Euros.
Cairate mayor explains: “It is a project that will be divided into five courses of action that will cost 10 million Euros. This project can develop a very important service sector that come from Switzerland and Milan. The closed committee, composed of the mayors of valley town halls, together with Malnate “I nostar radiis” (“Our roots” – cultural association) and “Gli amici della Valmorea” (“Valmorea friends” – association), are trying to create a lobby in order to carry out this project. They’ve been thinking about it for 20 years; the time is ripe: we want to create a tourist territory.”
“In order to carry out this project, the township is buying a whole valley where it will be possible to carry out a ‘bike park and skate park’”, Mazzucchelli goes on, “Some sort of two-wheels Park, with a flight of steps that directly leads to our monastery. We’re already buying the ground, and then we’ve to clear it up. If everything goes like clockwork, it won’t take a long time. This is part of territory relaunch, but the reactivation of the railway must be the completion of a marketing strategy in order to make Valle Olona revive. Finding money shouldn’t be so difficult, since the whole area economic relaunch could exactly start from requalification of disused areas: in the province there are many parliamentarians belonging to all alignments. We rely on someone who is able to find necessary money. Less Rome and more territory”.
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