Are your decorations beautiful? Send us a photo
If you’ve put up decorations that you’re proud of, take a snapshot and send it to the editorial staff. We’ll choose two "works", one with candles and one without (… and we also have gifts for you)

Do you like to “play” with wax? Is it your hobby to decorate your home with handmade objects? Christmas gives us the opportunity to unleash our imaginations and creativity. So, we’re organising this competition.
Send us a photo of your decorations, but we want them to be something you actually made yourselves (don’t cheat, OK?). This year we’d like to reward the “little works” made with wax: and we have an exceptional sponsor, Cereria Bianchi, who are making available a gift for the best decorations made by one of our readers, chosen on the final decision of the editorial staff.
But even if there is no candle (big or small) in your centrepiece, tree decoration or nativity scene, or in the window of your living room, that’s no problem; from all of the photos we receive, we’re also going to choose one with a decoration without wax (here too, there will be a gift for the best one).
Here’s what you should do
Send a photo of your decorations to (NB: no Christmas trees or nativity scenes!, only individual decorations) with “Christmas decoration” in the subject line. The photo must be horizontal and have at least 600 pixels along the longest side.
Your work will be published in a photo gallery, and on 23 December, the editorial staff will publish the names of our readers receiving our “Christmas gifts”.
You can send your photos until Sunday, 22 December.
Let’s see how good you are, come on …
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