Lessons, games, activities, and even a psychologist. School is not stopping
The school brought everyone back into the "virtual" classroom, in the first week of closure. Now, new initiatives are underway, including “chatting freely”
Remote teaching at the “Fermi” Comprehensive School in Fagnano Olona, under the direction of the headmistress, Tatiana Galli, is one month old.
The initial trial meetings started in the first week of suspension of teaching activities and, after about a month of intense work, these are the results, thanks to the great commitment of the teachers of the Fermi School:
– 100% of the compulsory subjects taught via videoconferencing to the secondary school;
– 100% of the primary school teams involved in videoconferences/video-lessons;
– 95% attendance of students at the videoconferences (90%, the previous week);
– 100% of special needs students receiving personalised remote learning programmes;
– 7-14 years, ages of the students involved in remote learning;
– 19 hours, the average number of lessons per week in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd years of the high school.
But that’s not all. Every week, kindergarten teachers upload games and activities to the dedicated YouTube channel, to keep the relationship between the teachers and classmates alive.
In addition to the listening sessions with the school psychologist, on Monday, a series of meetings, organised by age group, will start, to help the primary and secondary school children to understand and get through this particular time of isolation.
In collaboration with the Parents’ Committees, next week, there will be afternoon sessions self-managed by the children, to allow them to “chat freely”.
Four topics were chosen by the children, in a survey for these “Zoom-cafés”: sport – music – art and dance.
The next goals: there are still 13 secondary school students who do not take part in the videoconferences, less than half of whom, because of a lack of a connection. All of them will be put in a position to be able to attend, but not only: there will be hourly upgrading packages to enable making up for this temporary lack of connection.
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