Varese will also have its little free libraries

Rotaract is giving the “garden town” three cabinets for people to exchange books freely. They will be a shared asset, for young and old

Inaugurazione della Little Free Library di Biandronno

“Little free libraries” are small wooden cabinets, where people of all ages can share books freely and for free. In recent years, many of these have been installed all over the world, including our province (see photo, the one installed in Biandronno), and others will soon be coming to Varese, thanks to a proposal by the Rotaract club Varese Verbano, who want to donate three to the “garden town”.

The aim of the project is “to promote the pleasure of reading and the free exchange of books, by placing three wooden cabinets that can contain books for adults, children and young people,” it says in the council resolution that approved the initiative, as part of the regulation for the care and management of shared assets.

The proposal is to install them in the most popular parks in town: the Estensi Gardens (near the swan pond), in the upper part of the park in Villa Toeplitz (between the Castiglioni Museum and the Tennis bar), and in the playground in the Mantegazza Park, in Masnago.

The book cabinets will be made of wood, will be small (no taller than 1.5 metres) and therefore easily accessible to everyone, including little children.

The little free libraries” were created in 2009, in the United States (Hudson – Wisconsin) and installed for the first time in Italy, in Rome, in 2012; today, there are tens of thousands worldwide.

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