Leonardo: five multirole AW119Kx helicopters for the Portuguese Air Force
The contract, which is worth over €20 million, is for the provision of five helicopters to the Portuguese Air Force, with the possible option of an additional two
The contract, which is worth over €20 million, is for the provision of five helicopters to the Portuguese Air Force, with the possible option of an additional two
The delegation of the Lombard Manufacturers’ Association, Digital Innovation Hub Lombardia and the Varese Association of Industrialists is greeted at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. “Here, students and Italian companies are greatly appreciated.”
From Varese to her success in America as a translator of screenplays for TV series. The 34-year-old is also the official interpreter for Saviano.
Stefano Soliano, executive director of Comonext spa
The Silicon Valley is not replicable in other contexts, “because there is a component of cultural feeling that attracts a certain kind of people who can reinvent themselves every time”.
Innovation travels between the East and West Coasts. On one side, robotics, on the other, the new frontiers of connectivity between different systems.
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